
Oil Cleaning Systems For Aluminium Wire Drawing

Oil Cleaning Systems For Aluminium Wire Drawing, Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier and Dealer. Our setup is situated at Pune, Maharashtra, India

Due to the Wire Drawing Process generates very high amount of metal sludge, leads to following problems:

Increased Viscosity of Oil and hence Reduced Die Life.

Choking of oil Passages. Poor Surface Finish of Wire. Increased Power Consumption. Increased Oil Temperature. High Viscosity Oil Sticks to teh Wire being drawn, Increasing Oil Losses. Reduced Oil Life (Requiring Frequent Replacement). Increased Wear & Tear of Pumps.

Centrifugal oil cleaner removes metallic sludge, minimizing above problems



Benefits for Alumnium Wire Drawing

  • No Replacement Element
  • No Recurring Cost
  • Improved Product Finish
  • Reduced Oil Consumption
  • Extended Oil Change Period
  • Reduced Machine Downtime
  • Finest Filtration to 1 ยต & below
  • Substantial Savings on Equipment Operating & Maintenance Expenses
  • Reduced Pollution and Environmental Impact

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